
Today’s Wellness Wednesday is all about appreciation, rewarding those I enjoy, and passing on the love.

A little while ago one of my favorite bloggers Mely from Mexico in my Kitchen, whom I first became aware of when she left a comment on one of the first dishes that I made,  surprised me with The Sisterhood Award.  I was floored and touched by the award because I am not a popular blogger.  I am just little me!  I have only been given awards a couple of times in my life. The most memorable and meaningful one was when I was in high school. At the end of my Junior year I was awarded for being “The Most Improved Swimmer.” That was because while I learned how to swim at an early age, I did not know how to swim competitively. I went from barely being able to swim a pool’s length to competing in swim meets within a couple of months.  To this day, 17 years later, that award is still with me and it has always been displayed where I can see it around any home that I have lived.  It is a reminder that if you put your mind into it, you can make things happen for your self and that hard work pays off.

The Sisterhood Award came from someone who I admire and it is always nice to be given a little boost and reminder that other people enjoy what you put out there.

I started blogging about a year and half ago about this that and the other. Occasionally, I would also post recipes. Amongst these there were three Persian recipes. I soon noticed that a lot of people searched Persian dishes.  Thus, was born Persian Kitchen, out of pure love to share the cuisine and culture of my homeland.

I have to tell you that I also freaked out at first at the thought of passing this award along because it was only then that I realized that none of my own friends are bloggers.  The Sous Chef, the wonderfully awesome and logical man that he is, reminded me that this is because none of my friends are writers.  Once I was done freaking out I realized that there are a  few blogs that I enjoy reading and admire the time and effort that the authors put into their blog.  I may not know them all in person, but I love checking in and reading what they have to share with the world and admire their photography.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Mely for passing on this award to me. I love reading her blog because I LOVE Mexican food. There is a very high probability that in a past life I was a Mexican because I could eat Mexican food everyday and be happy! I love the way Mely posts her recipes by showing pictures of the step by step process.  I also have to share the fact that the day I saw the picture below I nearly fell off the chair that I was sitting in:

Now tell me that’s not appetizing and one hell of an awesome presentation.  Please check out her blog as she has some delicious recipes to share.

I would like to pass The Sisterhood Award to the following bloggers:

Donna of South Bay Pets

Donna writes for the Daily Breeze, which is our local news paper.  Here is the thing, once I got over the fact that I am a loser with  no friends who blog (!), and the Sous Chef telling me that I don’t have any friends who are writers, I remembered, wait a second, I do know a writer, heck she writes for a living because she is a journalist!

I was a fan of Donna’s blog since it first started in the spring of last year. One fine night I was at our local dog park and started conversing with a lady who had two awesome dogs. My Dog kept on going after the orange ball that the lady threw for her own dog.  Low and behold throughout the conversation I found out that she is THE Donna of the South Bay Pets and the one that covers our neighborhood in the Daily Breeze! Small world huh?

2.  Jill of South Bay Soliloqui

Let me tell you a little something. I have a strategy. If I randomly find a blog that I like, I sometimes click on their blogroll because chances are that they are a fan of someone who is as neat as they are.  Jill was a third click, as in I randomly saw one blog, clicked on their blogroll, then found another cool blog through that person’s blogroll, and then found Jill. I love her diving pictures and her recipes.  She has been MIA for the past 20+ days and hope that she will not stop blogging!

3.  Tash of Palos Vedes Daily Photo

You wonder how I found Tash? On Jill’s blogroll!! See? What did I tell you?!! Here is the truth, I think that Tash is a lady. But I am not sure,  she sounds like a lady, but Tash if you are not, my apologies to you and clearly I am making a fool out of myself! Anyway, love the photos of Palos Verdes and seeing places that I sometimes drive through in her/his photography!

4. Laila of  Laila Blog’s

I found Laila’s blog when she left a comment here a little while ago. I love the fact that she shares the her family’s recipes with her own added touch.  Everything that she makes looks very yummy!

5. Samin of Ciao Samin

One find day last year I was on the phone with one of our dearest family friends. He told me about his daughter’s blog and that I should check it out because she is a cook.  So I have been following her blog. I think it is pretty cool that she is an Iranian and a cook, especially because in our culture if you are not a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, or some type of entrepreneur you are just not good enough.  Anyway, a little birdie, who recently met her, told me that she is very cool! 😉 I might have to find that out on my own come July!

6.  Roia of Persianchyld

Roia left a couple of comments on my blog and I was soon enamored with her story telling abilities! I have been reading every post and eagerly counting the days until the next one.  I love the way she writes and the candid way in which she shares her life.

7.  Lori Lynn of San Pedro Daily Photo & TaStE WiTh ThE EyEs

Guess how I found San Pedro Daily Photo? Through Palos Verdes Daily Photo!!! Now anyone that takes the time to take pictures of San Pedro and show its beauty, and trust me there is plenty underneath it all, has got my respect.  And then to discover that she even has a food blog??? Can’t get any better than this now, can it?

8.  Elena of Lunar Musings

Last and not least, Elena who is the master mind behind Wellness Wednesday. I met Elena through the Sous Chef. I have a little confession to make, I have no idea what she talks about on her blog. None.  But I like to look at her pictures! Shhh don’t tell anyone, but I think The Sous Chef and I might have teased her a bit too much about her  regular bathtime Facebook updates.  I secretly miss giggling about them! I have to confess that her being vegetarian AND gluten free has added a layer of culinary creativity to my repertoire.

That’s all I’ve got folks! Pass along the love!

The rules of the “Sisterhood Award” are:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 people whose blogs you enjoy.

3. Provide a link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blogs.

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person who has nominated you for the award.