Wellness Wednesday

Hundreds of thousands of Mousavi supporters gathered in Freedom Square to protest. Source: guardian.co.uk
I had a completely different post in mind for this week’s Wellness Wednesday than what you are about to read. It has never been my intention in any shape, way, or form to talk about politics on this blog. My purpose for creating this blog was, and still is, to introduce Persian cuisine and culture to anyone who cares to read about it. However, today I feel the need to talk about something that has been heavily on my mind for the past few days. Forgive me for the long post, but there is a flood of emotions running through me.
Last week we flew to Seattle for our friend Winford’s graduation from University of Washington. I have known Winford for about twelve years. We met in an economics course while we were both pursuing our undergraduate degrees. I was there for his undergrad graduation and lucky me, I was able to be there for his graduate school graduation.
Friday night Winford had a party at his house and I was able to meet his new friends in Seattle. I enjoyed talking to every one of them, but one of the most memorable conversations was with one of his friends Jason. I was rather surprised when he asked me if I was excited about the elections in Iran and how I felt about it. My first reaction to this question was: wow, he knows what is going on in Iran and he is not Iranian. Perhaps, I may have disappointed him when I truthfully told him that I had lost hope many moons ago about what would become of Iran. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed talking to him and learning that he has always had a fascination with Iran, follows the news about what is going on there, and that someday he would like to visit.
You see, that simple statement touches my heart in ways that I can’t describe, because it is very refreshing for me to meet people who look beyond politics and see Iranians as people. What I mean by that is the fact that we are always associated with the word “terrorist,†and people that don’t know better think that we are all a bunch of ignorant fundamentalists. Sadly, such people don’t ever take the time to reason that the views of a government are not necessarily the views of the people of that country.
I have lived the majority of my life outside of Iran and have been treated as someone from a third world country more times than I care to admit. I find this to be a huge misconception about my people because there are many highly educated Iranians around the glob. Additionally, in United States we are the one minority, or immigrants, who are highly educated and successful professionals. Additionally, being religious and following your religion does not in any shape, way or form make you a fundamentalist. What makes a person a fundamentalist, or a fanatic, is when they use religion as an excuse to hurt or kill others.
I would be a liar if I said that people’s reaction to my nationality have not bothered me. They have. Profoundly. In ways that I have resented being born in Iran and Muslim. When I left Iran for the last time in the mid 80s I swore I was never going back. I planned to ask my mother to let me get baptized, and I secretly wished that I could change my last name to my step-father’s Italian last name. I never ended up doing either, because for one thing, I have never been religious enough to want to pursue a whole different religion, and well, changing my last name was too complicated.
This resentment followed me for many years and it wasn’t until I was in my mid twenties that I started feeling more comfortable with who I am, as a whole. I came to realize that regardless of what happens in my life or where I live, I will always feel an emotional attachment to my birth land. I also started focusing on the good memories and attributes of being Iranian, verses the negative events that had shaped my life while I lived in Tehran.
I have always felt that I have been lucky enough to have left and given the opportunity to live in countries where I have a voice and freedom of speech. Yet, at times I feel a deep sense of guilt for having had this opportunity while many others have not. In the eighties I always prayed, and let me be brave and say that I believed, that one day the fundamentalist would leave Iran because no one was happy because they made everyone’s lives miserable. By 1989, their tenth anniversary, I was left disappointed and bewildered by the fact that they had been in power for ten long years. By the time the twentieth anniversary rolled around I had lost all hope, because it had become evident to me that people in Iran had absolutely no voice and if they chose to speak they would be imprisoned, tortured, or killed, without any reservation.
This past February marked the 30th anniversary of the revolution. Thirty years of my life I have lived resenting what has become of my birth land. I have resented them for putting us through a war for eight years, brain washing people, taking Islam to a level that in my heart I firmly believe that Prophet Mohammad never intended for it to be, have killed many innocent people, and have ruined the reputation of our culture and history. And most importantly, I resent them because they punished members of my family for having worked for the previous government on both my mother’s and my father’s side. I resent them for having executed two of my aunts’ husbands on my father’s side for being high ranked in the military leaving eight of my cousins fatherless. I resent them even more for imprisoning my favorite uncle on my father’s side for having been in the military, only releasing him for poor health nine years later. Unfortunately, he left us soon after due to leukemia leaving behind two young sons. Fortunately, on my mother’s side no one died, but many were stripped of everything they worked for and humiliated.
So when I was asked what I think about the elections, these are the things that come to my mind. Ironically, I found out about the results of the elections as we were sitting on the plane waiting to take off Saturday night. I was watching CNN and they announced the results and people’s reaction. This was yet another disappointment and slap in the face. Just when you start thinking that there might be a chance, one small opportunity, it all goes up in dust.
So today, I would like to ask you to keep all the Iranians who are fighting for their vote in Iran in your prayers. It is heartbreaking to watch what is being unfold and the violence. I feel helpless, but I am choosing to be hopeful for the Iranian youth who has shown so much courage in the past few days. Statistically, 70% of the population in Iran is young; I truly believe that they hold the future of Iran in their palms. I am cheering for them and keeping them in my prayers. Of course it is easy for me to say go on, go out there and risk your life, as I am sitting here at my desk typing this post in the safe haven of the South Bay. But there is nothing I can do. All I can do is make sure that people understand that those out in the streets protesting are trying to fight for a change and demand for their votes. The footage seen all over, either on YouTube or pictures, is gruesome. But please understand that it wouldn’t be this way if the government didn’t exercise their violent antics. The Iranians out in the streets are crying out to the world that they want change. There has been, there is, and there will be a lot of blood shed, but I am hopeful that this time it will lead to a change for the better.
In conclusion, I would like to share a couple of sources for information about the latest news out of Iran:
On Twitter:
One of my favorite Twitters with up-to-date info about Iran and all things Persian: Persian_Twitts
Selma Twitting: Salma1
Worth reading:
Iran Protests: Twitter, the Medium of the Movement Time.com
Fresh protest under way in Tehran – BBC
guardian.co.uk photo gallery
Last but not least, I ask you to pray for the wellness of all the protesters seeking a better Iran while leaving you with this powerful song, “Imagine, Iranian peace song. The song is in Farsi with subtitles in English within the video.
June 17, 2009
Oh, my friend,
Where do I begin? I may not have been born in Iran, and my family had all left long before the revolution so it did not touch my family as it touched yours, but while that may be true, I do understand the strong ties you feel to an Iran that “was”. I feel tremendous pride that many people have asked me about the elections in the last week – people are noticing, people CARE, and it is not about uranium enrichment – it is about freedom of speech, political engagement, and the will of the Iranian people to define themselves. I am so, so proud of my people this week, while at the same time I realize that the oppression they are experiencing is horrific. They are clawing their way out, forcing the government to listen. Even if this time around they are not successful, I believe they are experiencing a freedom that they will not let go of. It is a renaissance of political empowerment. It is just the first step.
June 17, 2009
Wonderful post. You expressed everything that I feel as well.
June 17, 2009
Roia, I totally agree, I am holding on to the Iran that “was.” It was good for a lot of people, even though they may have not known that at the time. I truly hope that this time around things will have a different outcome. The last time there was an uprise such as this, there was no YouTube or Twitter or all the various means in which people are now able to reach the rest of the world as quickly and easily.
June 17, 2009
Sheila, as always, thank you for your kind words. We are on the same page watching and keeping our fingers crossed as everything unfolds.
June 18, 2009
Hello, I just wanted to respond to your lovely and heartfelt post. I am an American who has studied Sufism and Islam, and I have known several wonderful Persian people because of that. I also have a background in arts and culture and I have been using my Twitter posts lately to link to Persian artwork, literature, etc., in an effort to raise consciousness about the cultural contributions of Iran to humanity and to show how important it is that we support the efforts of its citizens to have their voices heard. I agree with you that there are many misperceptions of your country in my society, and I’d like to see that overcome. Our governments have not always interacted peaceably, which is regrettable, but I have found that it’s more than possible to bridge that divide by reaching out to individuals. I’ve gotten an enthusiastic response to my Tweets from American followers, and I intend to keep posting in support of the Iranian people. I am also going to follow you on Twitter because I love Persian food and I am a willing student of your cultural heritage.
June 18, 2009
thanks you for your kind and heartfelt comment. It left me moved and speechless. I am always humbled by people like you, who recognize the history, art, and literature of Iran. Most importantly, I am touched by the fact that you take the time and energy to share your appreciation for our culture with others.
I look forward to following you on twitter as well. By the way, I love your name! 🙂 Very sweet!
June 20, 2009
excellent writing!! perfect 🙂
June 20, 2009
Thank you for your kind words Nora!
June 20, 2009
Very moving and heartfelt post.
I am praying for freedom and the safety of all those in such peril.
June 20, 2009
Thank you Donna. I am hoping for the best possible outcome.
June 20, 2009
Thank you for your reply to my post! I got introduced to ancient Persia when I studied art history in college and I thought it was fascinating. As I got involved with studying religion, I kept learning about it. And thank you for the compliment on Fleurdamour – I chose it to use for my art projects because I have also studied the Middle Ages and I wanted a name that conveyed a troubadour aesthetic, like the epic ballads from England and France. I love that period in history because it’s so rich, and it also reflects an amazing cultural interchange between East and West, with Arabian and Persian ideas exerting a huge influence on Europe. I published something online about my interest in that, and got a response from an American Sufi writer named Charles Upton who told me that his own ancestor in France was a troubadour poet and was been raised in a house full of Sufi girls from Moorish Spain who sang Middle Eastern songs to him starting in his crib. The more I learn things like that, the happier I am, because it shows me how interconnected the world really is, not separate at all.
June 21, 2009
Are you for real???? If yes, where have you been all my life??? I am so amazed at what you have done. You probably know more about my country and ancestors than I do. Your story and love for our culture is inspiring!
I love your last sentence, I firmly believe that we are all one. However, historically, people have chosen to follow different groups and create a gap between each other.
June 21, 2009
I remember talking to my Iranian-born ob/gyn here in san pedro a while back about his country — his dad was still there. He told me how wonderful the people are, how not-so-good the government was. ;-(
The ongoing twitter stream coming out of Iran is really fascinating to read.
June 21, 2009
Indeed, what is going on in general on twitter about Iran is incredible.