Pomegranate Juice
The first post of “Pomegranate Week” is one of the ways in which Persians like to eat pomegranate. Dare I say, that’s for when there is more polite company around. One of my fondest memories of eating pomegranate is a much much simpler way.
Technically, you are not eating the pomegranate, what you are doing is juicing it and drinking it! However, you don’t need a juicer…all you need is a little strength! Raise your hand if you like Pomegranate juice!
Take a pomegranate that is small to medium. Then press your thumbs in the peel. You will hear a crunching sound. Note the one in the picture is too big. It is much easier to handle a smaller pomegranate.
Go around the pomegranate and crunch all over until it gets wrinkly. You are basically crunching the little pomegranates which release their juices. Press firmly, but not too hard, you don’t want to burst the fruit. Sometimes it helps to put one thumb over the other and press.
With your mouth bite into the skin and suck the juice. Mmmm! So good! What you get is 100% pomegranate juice!
I have a question for you readers. When you eat pomegranate, what do you do with the seeds? Do you spit them out or eat them? For me it depends on the pomegranate. For example, the one in the picture above was perfect and the seeds were on the softer side so I ate them. But the ones from the previous post, which ironically I bought from the farmer’s market, were tough and I had to spit them out.
How about you? What do you do?
Please click on the following links for other recipes featured in the “Pomegranate Weekâ€Â 2009 edition:
October 29, 2009
I eat them. So crunchy and juicy at the same time. Delicious! So far I’ve been lucky enough not to run into inedible seeds. Ironic that happened to you from a farmers’ market pom!
~~Bria @ West of Persia
October 29, 2009
That’s what I thought too!
October 30, 2009
Long time without visiting your place. I eat the seeds is they are soft.
October 30, 2009
Mely! Good to hear from you! Looking forward to a new post on your blog. I have been making your Salsa Verde left and right and it is a hit every time!
October 30, 2009
I loved the pictures of the pomegranets on the tree!! My mouth is watering!! Thank you for reminding me the method of “Ablimoing” I had forgotten all about eating it this way which is a great way to suck the juice for those like me who can not tolerate the seeds. Sorry about the burnt pan! It is so nice that you share your defeats as well as your success with us
November 14, 2009
We always eat the seeds; I’ve never tried juicing the pomegranate the way you detail above — may try it now, we always have lots of pomegranates in the house.
I love your website!
November 14, 2009
Laura, it is soooo good this way!!! Glad to hear that you like my website!!
January 29, 2010
pomegranate is a must on jewish new year table, it symbolise the 613 good actions one has to perform towards god and men.
I am always the only one who spits the seeds ! Persian bride or not ? LOL!
January 29, 2010
Vivi, did you read the article that I linked to in the first pomegranate post?