For the past couple of weeks I have been deep in thought about what today means to me. I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that MPK began three years ago with a simple post about Borani Esfanoj. It’s been a wonderful three years filled with delicious food, conversations about food, meeting new people, highs, lows, obstacles, writers’ block, cooking block, and plenty of encouragements and love from you readers that have kept me going.

I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful to have this platform to share my love for Persian food with the rest of the world. Every anniversary of MPK is a great reminder of how things in one’s life can change so quickly and how something that begins as a hobby or creative outlet can turn into a source of happiness, inspiration, and give a person a purpose.

Those of you who have been with me since the beginning know that I stared MPK shortly after finishing graduate school when I found myself unemployed for the first time in my life.  I was part of Califonia’s 12% of unemployed the first year of this blog but then I fell off that percentage because I was one of the many who could not find a job, regardless of how many resumes I sent out and my qualifications, once unemployment ran out. Finally, after struggling for two years to find a job, last March, ironically on Norouz, I began a new teaching job.

It’s now amazing to look back to where I was when I stared MPK three years ago, and each subsequent year until now. Regardless of what happened, or still happens, in my life having this blog has been and is a blessing and it is my favorite thing to do…well besides eating!!!

So today I want to once again thank you all for being part of this journey with me. Thank you for your support, suggestions, and enthusiasm.  Without you there would be no My Persian Kitchen! So thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me going and your readership. Happy 3rd anniversary to all of us!!

With much gratitude,