Lamb Shank
I like lamb shanks, so long as they 1) don’t smell and 2) they are not dry. I was inspired to make lamb shank because a couple of months ago I had Baghali Polow from Shayan Market in Torrance and that’s what the polow came with. This was my very first try and I had no idea how to go about it. I consulted a few cookbooks and the Internet and found nothing that inspired me. I searched deep within my own bank of culinary knowledge and consulted with The Sous Chef, who didn’t have any knowledge on how to go about preparing lamb shank either.
Determined to make a go at it, I entered the kitchen and began “Lamb Shank Mission.” I say mission because I wanted to make sure that the meat would not be tough yet flavorful, yet not too flavorful to overpower the delicate polow. I was rather impressed with myself with the results. Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages, this experiment came out better than my wildest expectations.
So here is my way of making Lamb Shank, it is a bit labor intensive, but well worth all the steps.
4 lamb shanks, about 3lb
1 large onion
10 garlic cloves, crushed
4 carrots
3 dried Persian Limes
olive oil
salt & pepper
Wash and pat dry lamb shanks. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Place lamb shanks in a dutch oven and brown for a few minutes on each side to seal in flavor.
I know what you are thinking right now, why did she pick a small dutch oven? I have no idea. I do have a bigger one that I love, but I guess habit took over. The one that you see in these picture is my most trusted and loved item to cook with it. If asked what I would take with me on a deserted island, my answer would be our orange dutch oven. I also realized that you might think that we love the color orange around here. All three of our dutch ovens are orange and as you can see one of our cutting boards is also orange. I swear, it is all a coincidence. I, as a matter of fact, do not like orange. This set of cutting boards came in various colors one of them being the one you see in these pictures. It was decided that because it was a color not well liked, it would be the designated board upon which meat and fish are cut in our house. Now, back to the recipe.
Sprinkle lamb shanks with salt and pepper and then flip them over to brown the opposite side.
In the mean time, crush garlic cloves. Cut onion and carrots. If you have celery on hand, you might want to add that to the mix. It is actually great for flavoring. I didn’t have any. PS. please note the white cutting board used to cut non-meat stuff. I know, we are a bit anal sanitary! Bear with me.
Remove lamb shanks from dutch oven and place aside. Add a bit of oil to the pot and add veggies. Saute for a few minutes until onion turns translucent. You are essentially doing all the necessary steps for a braise.
Give Persian Limes a little crush and add to the veggies. Place lamb shanks on top. Cover with 2 cups of water and season with some salt to give the broth some flavor. Cover the dutch oven.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and cook for 2 hours. Half way through move the pieces around making sure that the parts exposed don’t dry up.
This is how it should look once it come comes out of the oven two hours later. The level of the liquid should have decreased into a delicious juice flavored by the veggies and the meat should be tender.
Yum! Look at that delicious and juicy lamb shank! When serving with Baghali Polow you might want to pour some of the meat juice over the rice for extra flavor. You won’t be sorry, I promise!
June 22, 2009
We are crazy about lamb shanks and yours look wonderful. really great photos that show exactly hot to do it. Good one. Thanks, s
June 22, 2009
Thank you for your kind words. Glad that you enjoy the step by step process. It was indeed very yummy!
July 2, 2009
wow this dish sound amazing
July 2, 2009
It is really good! I am definitely making it again!
September 22, 2009
Hi, I have been looking in at your web site. You have inspired me with your beautiful pictures and stories. I will be making chicken kabob tonight with polow rice and Yogurt and cucumber. I also found lavash bread…. I live in Wisconsin. It is very hard to find Pesian food here. I grew up with persian friends in the Las Angeles area. I will always love persian food. Thank you for sharing all of your treasures.
September 22, 2009
Thank you for your kind words. I am happy that you have been inspired to cook Persian food. It is good food!!! I hope you will continue making recipes from here!
October 16, 2009
I loved your story about your trip to Seattle and making the Polo. I have been asked to make lamb for friends and just like you, I don’t like the smell and to tell you the truth never liked it nor had any success, but after reading the receipe and seeing your pictures I have more courage. Wish me luck. As for the Dutch Oven; every single one I have seen are orange until ironically I was at TJ Max and I saw a beautiful green one last week. Now I have to go and get it!
October 16, 2009
Forgot to ask you, where is the best place to get the lamb shanks?
October 16, 2009
Shohreh joon,
Go for it!!! I got the lamb shanks from Shayan Market on Hawthorne and PCH. The Dutch ovens that I use are the old school type, for the exception of the big round one. We think they date back to probably the 1960s or 70s. When my husband moved out of his parents’ house he borrowed them permanently! We loved cooking in them. We received the big round one as a wedding present and ironically it matches the rest!
I was at Costco earlier today and they had the oval type in an eggplant color for $50, which is a very reasonable price.
February 16, 2010
hello my dear, i was going through your blog bec i needed inspiration for a dinner i am hosting on Sat- my husband loves lamb shanks, so i thought, how can i prepare them in the Persian manner? so i started sifting through your meat category and lo and behold, i found this one with lamb shanks! i love the way you have prepared yours, i am still confused about how to prepare mine, but surely, they will contain either Persian limes or something sweet like apricots or prunes. thanks for the inspiration! x shayma
February 17, 2010
Shayma, thank you! I can’t imagine lamb shanks not being DELICIOUS with apricots and prunes! My way was definitely delicious and easy! Happy cooking!
January 11, 2011
As I type this, I am making your recipe for lamb shanks (but on the stove top instead). It is the most similar one on the Internet that I could find to the one I got from a cookbook called “The Legendary Cuisine of Persia” which I had checked out from the library and could not get my hands on this time around (I remembered the ingredients, but not the measurements). So far, my apartment smells AMAZING, and I cannot wait to eat though it will have to wait til tomorrow. I also cannot wait to give my Iranian neighbor his plate with dill rice and tadig tomorrow (he doesn’t know this as of yet!)
He is my inspiration for trying my hand at Persian cuisine, and your website has been a HUGE help… thank you!! 
January 11, 2011
Rebecca, awesome!!! I am glad to be of help!!!!