I created this weblog and stared posting last month on the 11th not really knowing if anyone would be interested or if I would get any traffic. Much to my surprise, and joy, the blog has been viewed, as of right now, a whopping 1041 times. All of this  in just a little over a month. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!

This has been a fun project to start.  At times it is overwhelming  because it is one thing to cook, but a whole other thing to have to document every step with photographs.  I am getting better and better at using our new Nikon and to be honest the photography part has been the hardest part.

I have a few projects in the works along with a field trip which I am planning on documenting about here.  So stay tuned, the best is yet to come folks!

Anyway, I just wanted to share today’s excitement with you all who stop by here and hope that you will continue to ride along this fun journey with me.


The Chef