It’s December which means people host or go to Holiday Parties left and right.  It’s always nice to have a few good recipes on hand that are easy and quick to make.
I love the combination of sweet and salty in this recipe. The inspiration for this post came from a  very delicious appetizer my friend Sharon made a while back when we were at her house for a gathering.

Sharon had stuffed dates with Goat Cheese and Prosciutto. They were simply delicious and I could not stop eating them. So I had a thought: “How do I “Persianize these?”  This recipe is pretty much super easy and quick to make.

Ingredients for 9 dates

1/2 lb dates
2 oz
4 slices of prosciutto (optional)

I suggest purchasing the type of dates that are meaty and soft. I asked for half a pound of dates which came out to 9 dates.

Slice the side of each date length wise. Remove pits from each date.

Stuff each date with as much feta cheese as you can shove in there. That’s it! Your appetizer is now ready for plating!

If you are a prosciutto lover you can certainly add some to each date as well. All you have to do is roll half a slice of Prosciutto and place it in each date. I have to be honest though, as much as I love Prosciutto, I thought that the date and feta combination was far superior taste wise than with the addition of Prosciutto.