Add Persian Dishes To Your Super Bowl Party!

Image source Wikipedia
Since super bowl is on Sunday I thought I would post a collection of delicious Persian dishes that can be made to add to the feast!
Here are some delicious choices to enjoy!
Borani Esfanaj ~ Persian Spinach & Yogurt Dip
Borani Bademjan ~ Persian Eggplant & Yogurt Dip
Kashkeh Bademjan ~ Persian Eggplant Dip
Mast-o-musir ~ Persian Dip with Shallots & Yogurt
The one and only Mirza Ghassemi!
Of course don’t forget the Pita Chips to serve with all of the above!
Homemade Pita Chips with Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper
Here are a few other dishes that are great to nibble on!
If you are going to fire up the grill, the why not some of these choices!
Last but not least, let us know forget about the Brie en Coûte!
February 6, 2010
Great roundup! Have a lovely weekend.
February 8, 2010
lovely to see some healthy, tasty dips, unlike the unhealthy heavy, usual Superbowl dishes. i love boraani esfanaj. all of your plates look delicious. x shayma
ps now the tough part- pl put up all the recipes 😉
February 8, 2010
oh gosh, pardon me, it seems you have added recipe links to all the photos- e brava! x
February 8, 2010
Yes, indeed, these choices are so much healthier than the usual feast! For every holiday I make a post suggesting Persian additions to the table! 🙂
October 26, 2010
سلام صنم جان
با تشکر از سایت زیباتون
میشه بگید عکس هاتون رو با چه دوربینی می گیرید؟مدلش رو اگه ممکنه به من بگید
October 26, 2010
Nasim jan, man za yek Nikon D60 estefadeh mikonam 🙂
May 26, 2011
My dear firend what happend to you and your wonderful recepies. I missed you.
June 7, 2011
Homeyra jan, I have been a little busy!!! But I am back in business!!!