Tonight is Chaharshanbeh Souri, the eve of the last Wednesday of the Persian calendar. Tonight many people in Iran and all the Iranians around the world will celebrate the end of the year by jumping over small bonfires.

Chaharshanbeh Souri

On this evening Chaharshanbeh Souri Ajil is nibbled on. Try one of my delicious Ajil recipes below.

MPK Ajil1 (Custom)

MPK Ajil

Sweet & Sour MPK Ajil

Or this MPK Sweet & Sour Ajil!

The night is not complete without a bowl of Ash, Persian hearty soup.

Asheh Jo9 (Custom)

Asheh Jo


Asheh Hooboobaat

Tomato Ash2 (Custom)

Asheh Gojeh Farangi

No matter what you do, have a fantastic Chaharshanbeh Souri!